Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leaving tomorrow!

I board a plane for Italy in less than 24 hours! Still trying to work on all of the logistical stuff and hopefully will have everything in line for tomorrow. For those who I have not talk about this with I will explain a bit of what I will be doing over the next 3 months. I, along with 7 other interns, will be working on the Spannocchia farm in central Italy. It is both an educational program as well as a, well, a 'work for your keep' program. In other words, during most days I will be performing various tasks on the farm where needed(in the vineyard and gardens, with animals, etc.) and also being taught different crafts along the way. This farm is a beacon of sorts in regards to sustainable farming: people travel here to learn, be taught in older ways of producing food and food traditions. They truly focus on be a self-sufficient operation, in that, what the farm produces sustains life for the people staying there. Spannocchia is also a small hotel and conference center which allows different international folks to and take a peak at what is going on here. Anyway, I'm not sure exactly what things are going to look like in Italy as I'm, in fact, still in Texas now, but hopefully I can update every so often letting family and friends in on what I am doing. Feel free to check out Spannocchia's website for more info: http://www.spannocchia.org/

Now back to packing!

1 comment:

  1. yay paul!! so excited for you!

    (it's courtney but it won't let me post unless i have a gmail account - so using jeffs)
